What is EcommFX
EcommFX is an automated software product that –
Enables business transactions with its clients and suppliers with a significant reduction in the level of human dependency required to facilitate –
- (a) The receipt of orders via portals that are easy to use,
- (b) The management of product inventories via virtual warehouses,
- (c) The procurement of products from suppliers if when ordered, they are not held in company virtual warehouses
- (d) The automated oversight of invoicing and product delivery to clients from both virtual warehouses and directly from suppliers
- (e) The automated integration of transactions (a) to (d) with existing management information and accounting systems as well as providing live updates to Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivables ledgers
- (f) Greater compliance with company business protocols and procedures.
- (g) A reduction in the potential for human error when processing client purchase orders.
- (h) Greater staff productivity to reduce the amount of human resource time required for transaction processing.

EcommFX Helps Clients to Generate Higher Revenue By -
- Facilitating rapid additions to product catalogues
- Increasing the velocity of transactions from product order to delivery and cash receipts
- Enhancing customer experience and repeat business
- Offering E commerce platforms that can accommodate B2B and B2C transactions for high ticket and low ticket products
- Streamlining the procurement and distribution of products to customers via no touch automation for low ticket items and higher touch but still automated processing of purchases of high ticket items
EcommFX Gives Better Business Insights From Dashboards -
- Which identify real time transactions and measures whether demand for certain products is increasing or slowing
- That alerts management to acceptance of orders for out of stock products with long lead time supply chains
- Which highlight price increases / decreases of products from suppliers and requests whether adjustments to price libraries and product catalogues need to be made
- That identify the likelihood of stock surpluses or shortages of products in a company’s virtual warehouses
ECommFX Offers Better Inventory Management and Increased Supply Chain Transparency Via Dashboards -
- Which keep inventory levels of individual products within pre-determined ranges via pre-determined algorithms
- Which highlight potential supplier shortages for certain products as well as increases in supply chain timeframes
- That accept manual over-rides by management whenever alerts regarding supply chain problems or product shortages are received
ECommFX Delivers Higher Productivity and Reduced Errors from WFH Staff As A Result of -
- The availability of automated ordering by customers for products from fixed price catalogues, particularly for low ticket items, reduces the requirement for high touch intervention by sales staff.
- Better oversight and management of large sales forces working from home equivalent to having staff co-located with their supervisors to eliminate staff errors in terms of order volumes, product selection and pricing. CFX’s automated products will reduce the likelihood of staff errors
- Staff can be more productive if they can use their skills to increase the rate of sale of high ticket / high margin products by automating the sale of low ticket items
ECommFX Delivers Better Informed Strategies Based on Higher Quality Information Through -
- Highlighting opportunities for higher volume discounts from suppliers
- Identifying products for which demand is greater than the capacity of existing suppliers and the need for engagement with other suppliers
- Alerting management to the growth potential of certain product lines as well as declining demand for existing products and the need for de-stocking
- Identifying software and operational facilities that are under-utilized for which ongoing costs are being incurred
- Eliminating low margin products from product catalogues
ECommFX Reduces Margin Shrinkage and Facilitates Better Policy Compliance By -
- Ensuring compliance with pricing catalogues and eliminating the opportunities for discretionary sales staff discounts on both high and low ticket items
- Eliminating opportunities for sales and product procurement teams to agree to supplying low margin products and services without senior management approval
- Enabling the removal of low margin products and services from enterprise catalogues.